Monthly Archives: November 2015


Running has just not been happening for me lately. After such a run-centric month in October, I just cannot seem to carve out the time in November.

Mostly, it is a time issue. There has been kids and weather and travel and simply no time to run.  I manage to still work out because I can still use the child care center at the gym and take classes during the day pretty consistently, though even those have suffered a bit lately. Yet it is the unadulterated freedom necessary to hit the trail that I am lacking.

I would have preferred this scheduling conflict arisen during the summer months, when running is somewhat ruined by the temperatures outside. Being prevented from lacing up in the fall and winter months is more tragic as it is my favorite time to run.

Under normal circumstances, this disturbance in my running force would leave me a bitchy, unsatisfied mess. However, this time, I had the realization that this is just not a running chapter in my life. After having my first child and before conceiving my second was a running chapter. Nearly exclusively a running chapter. I ran 20-30 miles a week and did nothing else for fitness (except when I was belly dancing before we moved back to Colorado).

My life has changed since then. I have a second child. I live in a different place. I have a different job and added author responsibilities. I have added other pursuits to my fitness regime. My life is simply different, and I cannot expect to maintain the same devotion to running as I was able to commit under different circumstances.

That also does not mean I will never return to such practice of my passion. It does not mean I am over running. It simply means that I cannot realistically do it now. There will be other chapters in my life. Like when both kids are in school full time and I will have more flexible hours during the day to balance between work and fitness. This chapter has me running very little in comparison; perhaps the next will have me returning to my obsessive origins.

This realization, this peace with the reality of my current situation, has made the lack of running easier to deal with. I am focusing on enjoying the thing I am doing right now. Zumba, dance, and different classes at the gym. I am running when I can and trying to maintain some level of training. Perhaps my fitness routine needed to become more balanced anyhow.

The dance, on the other hand, has been rather fulfilling. It is not the belly dance from Tennessee I so desperately miss or that I recently had a brief opportunity to visit and recall, yet it is something in that vein; it still engaged that part of me so blissful when moving to music. So while the running part of me is left wanting, the dancing part of me is granted more attention and expression. They cannot all win simultaneously, so they will have to take turns.

I do miss the trail though. I miss when I met it frequently. I miss when it felt more like home. But that, apparently, is for another chapter.


Christina Bergling


Two survivors search the ruins of America for the last strain of humanity. Marcus believes they are still human; Parker knows her own darkness. Until one discovery changes everything.

Available now on Amazon!

TheWaning_CoverThe Waning

Beatrix woke up in a cage. Can she survive long enough to escape, or will he succeed at breaking her down into a possession?

Available now on Amazon!

Creepy Crawl 5K

Do not throw a Halloween party before a race. Do not drink copious amounts of pumpkin flavored alcohol before waking up early to run. Lessons (re)learned.

Last year, I could not participate in the Creepy Crawl 5K because I had a newborn baby. This year, I definitely crippled myself with a flirtatious hangover. Then unseasonable heat just beckoned my nausea.

The first mile, we stuck with Michelle and encouraged her to her goal of running a mile straight. She made it! The first step to the goal of running a full 5K. I was excited at the progress.

When she took her walk break, Trisha and I continued on. Trisha lit out, while I hung behind and went through all the uncomfortable stages of my hangover. Ultimately, I was really not feeling the run at all. I never found a float, and I just did not want to be running. I was hot and felt sick and just did not want to do it. However, I resisted the urge to walk and finished the run.

I have felt creeping doubts lately. I catch myself wondering if I have fallen out of love with running. The stagnation in my running recovery and post partum weight loss have left me frustrated and burned out. I cannot tell if that is influencing my feelings or I really am over running. Maybe I exhausted my obsession and it just died when I had to take my baby break. I am not sure how I feel or what I want. I do know that the continued warm weather is robbing me of my beloved fall running. It seems like it will be winter before I am not melting to death.

At least the run was beautiful. Though hotter than I would have liked,  the weather was pleasant. The route disappeared along the train tracks before folding on itself and winding around the lake.


The highlight of my morning was the kid race. My daughter did a couple kid races in the YMCA series last year, but she has put a 5K under her 4 year-old belt since then. She wanted to run more of the mile than I expected. She took a couple walk breaks and complained a bit, but she was bound and determined to beat her friend.


When she turned on her little sprint, I could barely keep up with her. She is going to be very fast as she gets older, much faster than her zombie turtle mother. She will be outrunning me very soon, just like almost everyone does. I was quite proud of her. I just need to teach her about being a better running mate in the future.



Christina Bergling


Two survivors search the ruins of America for the last strain of humanity. Marcus believes they are still human; Parker knows her own darkness. Until one discovery changes everything.

Available now on Amazon!

TheWaning_CoverThe Waning

Beatrix woke up in a cage. Can she survive long enough to escape, or will he succeed at breaking her down into a possession?

Available now on Amazon!